Application Procedure

Procedure for Application


1.       (A) A team who wishes to apply for a National Parliamentary Debate needs to have 3 Speakers and 1 Adjudicator as part of the team (3 + 1).

(B) Individual Adjudicators can also apply without forming a team but a Speaker needs to follow the format prescribed in part (A).

2.       For Speakers who have participated in the Intra SOL Parliamentary Debate, the Speaker scores of all 3 team members will be taken in aggregate. It is not necessary that the team composition of the Intras and the team composition for applying for a National Debate be the same.

3.       The Speaker score to be taken into consideration is the average of all the scores awarded to each speaker in the Preliminary Rounds of the Intra SOL Parliamentary Debate.

1.       A speaker scores (Preliminary Rounds of the Intra Parliamentary Debate) –

Round 1 – 76
Round 2 – 75
Round 3 – 75
Round 4 – 70
Round 5 – 71

The score to be taken into consideration shall be (76+75+75+70+71)/5 which is 73.4.

2.       Speaker Scores of Team 1 in Intras                                            Speaker Scores of Team 2 in Intras
a)      76                                                                                  a) 76
b)      78                                                                                  b) 74
c)      74                                                                                  c) 77
               Aggregate of Team 1 Speaker scores - 228

              Aggregate of Team 2 Speaker scores – 227

              Team 1 will be given preference over Team 2 for selection.

4.       The teams with the highest aggregate speaker scores out of all the applying teams shall be chosen to participate in the National depending on the number of slots available for the particular National.

5.       For speakers who have NOT participated in the Intras, there will be challengers held for all the teams that are applying; after which teams will be considered for participation based on their performance.

6.       (A) A team with two Speakers having participated in the Intras and one Speaker NOT having participated in the Intras shall be considered a team eligible for Challengers; the speaker scores of the first two speakers shall not be taken into consideration.

(B) However, if a team constitutes 3 Speakers who have participated in the Intras and one Adjudicator who has not, the aggregate speaker scores of the 3 speakers shall be taken into consideration while the Adjudicator will have to partake in Challengers.

7.       The Adjudicator’s score who is applying along with 3 speakers as part of a team shall not be clubbed along with the speaker scores.

8.       For Adjudicators who have participated in the Intras, the Adjudicators with the highest scores among all applying shall be considered chosen to participate in the National depending upon the number of slots in the said event.

1.       An Adjudicator scores (Preliminary Rounds of the Intra Parliamentary Debate) –

(out of 5)

Round 1 – 4
Round 2 – 3
Round 3 – 4.5
Round 4 – 2
Round 5 – 5

The score to be taken into consideration shall be (4+3+4.5+2+5)/5 which is 3.7  .

9.       For Adjudicators who have not participated in the Intras, they shall be only eligible for Challengers after which they will be considered for participation based on their performance.

10.   Participating in the Intra does not guarantee any team a slot in any National event.
However, Speakers and Adjudicators who have participated in the Intras shall be given preference over speakers/adjudicators who have not.

11.   It is the discretion of the Debating Society to create a team made up of speakers from different teams who have applied for challengers.

For example, Speaker A,B,C being Team 1 and Speaker H,K,L being Team 2 have both applied for Challengers. After the Challengers and based on each Speaker’s performance, a team of A, K, C might be created to participate in the Nationals to facilitate better participation from our end.

12.   For a Speaker who wants to apply as an Adjudicator and vice versa –

a)      If you are a speaker who has participated in the Intra but you want to apply as an adjudicator for a national, you will have to partake in Challengers. Your Intra Speaker score will not be considered.
b)      If you are an adjudicator who has participated in the Intra but you want to apply as a speaker for a national, you will have to partake in Challengers. Your Intra Adjudicator score will not be considered.

13.   Challengers will only be held if slots are available after giving first preference to teams which constitute of speakers having participated in the Intra Parliamentary Debate and have Intra Speaker scores. Same goes for Adjudicators.
     14. In case of applying for a British Parliamentary debate, a conventional debate or any other        form of debating, the team composition shall change with respect to the format of the debate.

      The Intra Scores will also be taken into consideration.

For example, if you want to participate in a British parliamentary debate or a conventional debate in a team of 2 speakers, your Intra scores shall be taken into consideration. If you don't have an Intra score, you will have to partake in Challengers.

      A team of Speakers need not get an Adjudicator for applying if no slots for 
     adjudicators are available for the debate or not required for a different format of debate   (eg: conventional format).

  15. A speaker/adjudicator is allowed a maximum of 2 debates per semester and 3 debates per year.

  16. If you want to participate in a National Debate as part of Cross Team, please mail us at    You will require permission from the Debating Society to participate.


How to apply?

1.      Please read the above mentioned guidelines CAREFULLY.

2.      For a Participation, please fill this Google form. The link to the google form shall also be provided on the UPES Debating Society Blog. 
4.      The application, via the Google form, must be done within the deadline mentioned on the UPES Debating Society Blog.

Feel free to drop in your queries at
or contact us at -

Shreshtha Garge (Convenor) - 9068811499

Divyanshi Saxena (Co-Convenor) - 9415798200


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