
Showing posts from August, 2020

DebSoc Talks

DEBSOC 2020 presents you a brand new series of debate. Learn how to master the art of debating from experienced debaters in a fun and interactive session.  Mark your calenders because this mock session will be the start of something special.  Date: 2nd September 2020 Time: 4:45pm Link: Meeting ID - 794 2036 9115 Password-5CBxc3 We look forward to your participation and shall be pleased to assist you in case you may have any queries. Regards Debating Society, School of Law

National & International Rotary - Rotaract Debate 2020

Warm Greetings! Debating Society, School of Law, is inviting applications for National & International Rotary - Rotaract Debate 2020.  It is a National and International Debating Competition.  They are following the Conventional Oxford way for the debate.  The registration fee for the above-mentioned event is Rs. 500. DebSoc requests all the interested students to make a video on the topic - THBT social media is negatively impacting millennial’s interpersonal skills and adhere to the following guidelines-  1. The video should be in MP4 format.  2. It should not be more than 3 minutes.  3. It should either be for or against the topic.  4. Video is to be uploaded on -  before the midnight of August 29, 2020.  These videos will be taken into consideration as challengers.  The Result of the challengers will be declared on 30th August, 2020.  We lo...