National & International Rotary - Rotaract Debate 2020
Warm Greetings!
Debating Society, School of Law,
is inviting applications for National & International Rotary - Rotaract Debate 2020.
It is a National and International Debating Competition.
They are following the Conventional Oxford way for the debate.
The registration fee for the above-mentioned event is Rs. 500.
DebSoc requests all the interested students to make a video on the topic - THBT social media is negatively impacting millennial’s interpersonal skills
and adhere to the following guidelines-
1. The video should be in MP4 format.
2. It should not be more than 3 minutes.
3. It should either be for or against the topic.
4. Video is to be uploaded on - before the midnight of August 29, 2020.
These videos will be taken into consideration as challengers.
The Result of the challengers will be declared on 30th August, 2020.
We look forward to your participation and shall be pleased to assist you in case you may have any queries.
Stay safe!
Debating Society,
School of Law
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